
most awaiting gadgets in future-technology

well in this highly fast innovative creative and tech world there are many developments going on so we the deltageekz are going to present you the most awaiting gadgets of 2013 which all geeks and techies are expecting to arrival!

>>> black hole concept from apple!

this concept was designed by Josselin Zaigouche, who created the zero phone, this design is possibly for 2020 said the designer! it comes with components like prism charging base  its central ball will automatically levitate when you open your hand and all functions will be on holographic projection in midair

>>> iphone pi

it is an innovative phone in a circular shape but this is just a concept of iphone pi

>>> samsung galaxy series s5 s6

>>> real invisible cloak
well you would have certainly read or watched harry potter series and have wondered of invisible cloak but its impossible? no scientists of japan have discovered technology of invisibility! and after some years you can go invisible with this cool gizmo!
>>> Phone blok can beat apple or samsung
(sorry will beat!)


 >>> stay tuned for more gizmos yours deltageekz

by supreeth

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